Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Single trick to make money from Neobux


Ok, today I am going to show you one of my methods for making money with neobux. This one does not require any investment, as I have never invested anything on any site.

So, let's start with the basics:

- On Neobux you will get paid 0.01$ for every click you make, so click all the ads you can. You will get 4-8 ads normally, depending on the day, so that would make a ~0.06$/day profit.

- Gather earnings until you get 0.75$ (This will take you like 20 days) and then we can start the interesting part: Renting referrals. When you rent a referral, you are paying 0.3$/referral, and they will click for you for a whole month.

- Go to your account and click on the renting balance link. Select to add balance from your Neobux main balance and add 1$. go back to your account and click on the referral tab at the right.

- With 0.9$ we can rent a 3-referral pack, so just click on it and 3 referrals will be added to your account. If they click 4 ads every day (Remember they can click from 4 to 8 ads), they will generate you 0.06$ every day (3*4*0.005$)

- Ok, with those referrals you will earn 0.12$ everyday. we can rent again on a week, so wait until then. On a week you should have 1$ again on your balance (With referrals it goes faster), so follow the same steps again and again.

That's all, soon you will buy higher packs as you will earn more when you have more referrals. With 500 referrals (10$/day) you should consider stop renting and save to purchase golden (to earn even more), but I will explain those benefits another day (And when I purchase golden) 

Click the Banner below to register

Saturday, August 15, 2009

[CEOADS] The best CPM Ad network (3,6$ CPM)

I am sure some of you have noticed the 2 banner ads I putted at the bottom of my blog... Those are from ceoads, a great CMP network with the highest rates of all the internet. The features are the following:

Accept International Members
Accept United States,Canada,Australia,West Europe Traffic
You can put the banner on as many sites as you wish. All the traffic will be counted in the same way.
Earn $3.6 Per 1000 Times Valid Impression
We Count Per IP Every 24 Hours !
Low $3 Paypal Payout, $1 LibertyReserve Payout and $1 WebMoney Payout. No minimum E-gold Payout.
Payouts will be made weekly!
1 Referral Levels Of Commission Under You (10%)

And also, the best thing is that you can have more than 1 banner/page (That's why I have 2) earning the double, triple,...

Oh, and you can use it with autosurfers, as the traffic from them is counted ^^

To register Click the banner below or click here
Power Clicks

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Get paid to share Your links

One of the newest websites I have been trying out recently is one called Linkbucks . It is a website that will turn all of the links on your website or blog into paying links. Then for every person who clicks on one of these new links, you will be given 1 hit towards that site. The amount of money you will receive for that click will depend upon the type of link you submit and also the country the clicker is from. Click Here to Join

Linkbucks makes money by putting adverts onto the screen of the person who clicks your link. There are 3 different types of adverts that may appear. The first is an intermission advert. Here the clicker will click your Linkbucks link, then get directed to a page of adverts which will stay on screen for 15 seconds, and then you will be directed to the page you intended to go to. There is however an option to skip this intermission page which if you do so the hold up is only really a couple of seconds.

The second type of advert is a pop-up. When clicking on the Linkbucks link you will be taken straight to the page you intended to get to, but a pop-up advert will appear on screen. This sounds like a very annoying thing to experience with everything you click on, but in fact most pop-up blockers and even Google toolbar will filter through most of them, so they are actually not even noticed most of the time.

The final method of advertisement used is through a top of the page banner. When the Linkbucks link is clicked the clicker will be taken straight to the page they wanted to end up at, but this time there will be a small banner across the top of the page. This banner does not conflict with your use of the intended website however; it just makes the size of your viewing screen slightly smaller. Examples of the 3 different types of links can be seen below;

Top Banner

The money you receive per click firstly depends on what type of advert you select, and secondly on where the person who clicks it is from. The best paying of the 3 adverts is the intermission. You will be paid $1 per 2000 clicks on your link. The pop-up you will be paid $1 per 2500 clicks, and the top banner you will be paid $1 per 4500 clicks. Needless to say the top of the page banner is almost useless, and I have never seen any reason why pop-ups won’t suffice for that situation. However the intermission page is long and quite annoying, so depending on what links you are using should depend on what type of advert you put in. If the person is leaving your website, and not likely to be coming back right then, the intermission is fine. But if they are view a picture album for instance, then every time they click on a picture they have to wait 15 seconds to view it. It is in a situation like this when the pop-ups work much better, as they are more discrete. Although it takes more clicks to get your dollar, essentially people have more patience with them, and so will be more willing to click on more of your links.

Advertisers pay different amounts for the people who receive there adverts. For example an American based company will not pay very much if thousands of people from Korea are viewing their adverts. This is where the performance score comes in. Linkbucks operates a performance score which tells you what percentage of the people clicking your links come from the top paying countries, America, Canada and the United Kingdom. If for example you had a performance score of 100% it would mean all your traffic is coming from America and you would receive $1 per 2000 clicks of an intermission advert. If however your performance score was only 50% you would be receiving a lot of traffic from china for instance, so your pay rate would reflect this, and you would only get $1 per 4000 clicks.

It seems like you need to get a lot of clicks for very little money, but what you have to remember is once that link is up there on the internet there is nothing more you need to do to it. So long as you have an active webpage or blog that receives a lot of traffic, people will keep clicking on the links. One of my links I had received over 6000 clicks in the first 3 days I had it up. This equated to almost $1.50 and was just one of many links I had up. There is no limit to the number of links that you can have and so your earning potential is unlimited. Through reading the Linkbucks forums you can see that there are people making in excess of $25 a day using Linkbucks without even lifting a finger.

As you can see from the picture below, the earning potential with Linkbucks increases every day. Admittedly I am new to using this website and so my earnings are only at approximately $2 a day. But this is $2 that I am getting everyday for little or no work each day and it is steadily increasing as you can see.


Linkbucks offers payments twice a month to cash out your money at the end and middle of each month, and payment is removed by either Paypal, ePassporte or Moneybookers. I have not had any problem receiving payment although I have only had one so far. Every now and again to entice you to work a little harder Linkbucks offers double payout weekends, which are just as they sound, whatever you earn that day they will double it which is a nice little incentive to do better.

There is a great referral program within Linkbucks too, which operates on a 3 tier programs. Any referrals you get yourself directly you will get 10% of their earnings. This is not to say they will lose 10% of their earnings, just Linkbucks will pay out that 10% twice to both of you. Then you earn 5% of any referrals the person you referred gets, and still you get 1% on any 3rd tier referrals. A very generous offer to still receive money from people you never even referred to begin with.
There is a very active forum attached to the Linkbucks website which can give you plenty of hints and tips on how to earn a bit of extra money through Linkbucks . This forum is full of very friendly people who are always happy to answer any questions you have. Click Here To join

Linkbucks is still on in its beta stage, so there are constantly things being improved upon, but from my experiences using it over the past 2 weeks I have no complaints. You can take already existing links and put them through Linkbucks , and so long as you find somewhere to put that link where it will be clicked a lot, be it your own website, a blog or a forum, there is a potentially unlimited source of income available for very little effort. Once the links are set up and out there the money should start rolling in.

Click the banner below to join the program

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Paid to Click

Paid to click or PTC sites are no different from Paid to read emails. Here you join and visit the websites of these service providers to make money. You have to click on the available advertisements to make money. There are many websites offer these services and we are constantly evaluating them to provide only genuine service providers to you. All these companies have good referral income opportunity and premium services. We have listed only best PTC sites here.

This is one of the easiest ways for teens and kids to make money too. There is no age limit. People above 13 can join. Only one account per household is allowed. All these companies offer good advertising opportunities to promote our websites too. We also stand to make referral commissions from our referrals who opts for advertising plans.

There are many service providers in this category and it is growing at the speed of knots. We have listes some PTC sites which we have tested and recommend.

Top Paid to Click PTC sites

is one of the best PTC sites available online. It has a good payment plan and an easy upgrading option. You can either join free or upgrade by giving 10 dollar.If you can afford 10 dollar we would recommend you to upgrade immediately to view more advertisements and make money. It has a lot of advertisements for free subscribers too. You can click on advertisements, refer your friends to make money here.

Neobux is another Paid to click opportunity which we found exciting. It offers a good opportunity to make money. You have a very good opportunity to make money with referrals as it has some unique plans like renting referrals to make referral income. You have ads listed always to make money. Join and promote Neobux to make money.

Monday, August 3, 2009


What is an ebook? Ebook is also called electronic book. Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary describes Electronic book also called E-book as a book that is published in electronic form, for example on the internet or on a disc andnot printed on paper.

We have seen what is ebook or electronic book. If you are not aware internet is source of millions of ebooks on all topics on earth. We have e-book written on all topics here. There are tons of free ebooks available too. But very few have realized the potential of ebooks to make money on internet. Ebooks presents a great opportunity to make money. Writing and publishing ebook isan easy task too. You are not required to be a master of English if you like to write ebooks. All you have to possess is an ability to inform and educate people in the subject you choose effectively.

To begin with you must have a subject. A subject should be selected on the basis of demand and knowledge. You must be passionate and informed about the subject. You must have enough knowledge in the subject you are going to write. Once you have a subject you have to research extensively to make addition to the topic. Remember people love updated new information. They are in a hurry. They want all at once. Once you have a topic start writing the ebook.

A ebook should be written in the PDF format. You must have adobe full version installed in your computer. Adobe means you can market your book to viewers from Windows and Mac. You can use simple word processor like MS Word, and other MS office application to give it attraction.

Click here To Join

How to write an Ebook

An ebook should be written in simple English. You are not aiming a booker prize or things like that. You are here to share the expertise you have with people and in the process you are looking to make money. Do not use color fonts unless it is necessary. Because people read better in Black and White. Make your sentences small so that people grasp the topic better. Do not drag the topic longer because that will not help you. People buy ebooks from you to learn a topic and they are looking for quality not quantity.

How to price you Ebook

You have to price it carefully. Too much price will make it a non starter. Too little price would mean you earnnothing and the potential ebook reader would suspect whether it is worth.

How to market an ebook

You have to write a business page of your ebook.It must have a description of the book you plan to sell. This is also called your sales page. If you are ready to sell it your self using various options available on internet you can do it. Else if you have a good quality book you can use services like Clickbank which specialises in selling ebooks. You can use different methods to market your ebook. You can create a web page and build blogs to support it. You can use google adwords to promote your ebook.You can use articles to promote your ebook. Remember the message will spread a lot faster if you have a good book. Your ebook readers will market it themselves virally in the blogs and forums making it lot easier for you.

Free ebooks

As I told there internet is a place for millions of ebooks. We practically have hundreds of ebooks written on all topics here. But internet is not fully exploited to make money with ebooks. Many ebook writers do not know how to make money from it. There are hundreds of ebooks available on internet for free distribution. People also allow you to fix a price for them. Usually these ebooks come along with other ebooks or puchases to induce you to make purchase.We have seen quite a few instances of people making good money with these ebooks.

Make money with clickbank

Click bank is a service that allows you to buy and sell ebooks. It has highest collection of ebooks on all topics. People write ebooks and hand it over to clickbank to look after the selling part. Clickbank specialises in ebooks. If you are a good writer you can write ebooks and join clickbank as a writer.

For people who looking to make money selling ebooks you can join as an affiliate in clickbank and start promoting the ebooks as an affiliate. You have commission as high as 80 percent there.You after joining as an affiliate can use Adwords and services like it tosell the ebook. If you have your website you can promote the ebooks from there.


Ebook is an exciting way to make money. If you are not a good writer you can join clickbank and start making money as an affiliate.

Click Here To join

Clickbank Affiliate Program

Founded in1998, ClickBank is the online retail outlet for over 10,000 digital product publishers and their 100,000 active affiliates.Click Bank is privately held with offices in Broomfield, Colorado and Boise, Idaho. Click Sales Inc. is a subsidiary of Keynetics Inc.

Clickbank Is an affiliate program that is of highest standard. It specializes in digital products. Click bank gives its affiliate a lot to cheer. Most of the product it listed in its website gives more than 75 percent commission to its members. Click Bank makes a sale somewhere in the world every three seconds. It serves over 200 countries, and are consistently ranked as one of the most highly trafficked sites on the web. Click Here To Join

An affiliate program is a business opportunity where you sell products. which you do not possess. You do not require a storage facility and you are not required to look after the shipping. You simply transfer sales or leads to the click bank and pocket a cool 75 percent commission on most cases.

Clickbank has over 100000 publishers who are selling its products. It has over 1000o digital products listed there for these publishers to sell and make money. Click bank has a very good multilingual customer care that takes care of all your queries.

There are many special features of click bank

Earn as much as 75 percent commission.

Unlike commission junction you are not required toapply and get approved for each product. You can sell as much as 10000products.

Real time statistics available.

Weekly payouts now.

Fast and free membership

Recurring commissions and global reach.

Click Here To Join

Commission Junction (CJ) | Affiliate Marketing

Founded in 1998, Commission Junction, a ValueClick company, is based in Santa Barbara,California and has offices around the world. Commission Junction, is a global leader in the online advertising channels of affiliate marketing and managed search. Click here to join

What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a program that allows people to make money marketing products and services they do not possess. They simply join as an affiliate and transfer leads to the manufacturer or the owner. Theypocket the commission without having to endure the difficulties associated with the sales like shipping the product etc.

We have seen what commission junction is. Commission Junction or CJ is a facilitator between buyer and the seller. You can join CJ as an advertiser or as a publisher. As an advertiser you are required to list your product for sales. As a publisher you are required to make the marketing or promotion of the product or the services.

Once you join as a publisher at the commission junction you have become an affiliate. As an affiliate you make money by promoting the product you selected to market. You can provide the link of the product or program you chose to represent as an affiliate in your website or blog. Many professional affiliates make money from affiliate marketing by joining Google adwords and similar pay per click programs. Adwords allows you to bid for a particular keyword that is related to the product and you have to spend money to earn money.

Commission Junction offers its affiliates continuing support to sell the product or services. Affiliates join CJ will have the benefit of the data of previous sales of the particular product. The result of sales per 100 clicks is show to them to help them select the product. Its market place has wide variety of goods and services to choose from. Commission junction also gives you the better commissions compared to other similar program. It is a trusted by affiliates all over the world. People from India can also participate in the affiliate programs of CJ. For Join Click here

Affiliate Marketing

Who is an affiliate? According to Cambridge dictionaries "to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group or organization". An affiliate is a person or group becoming part of another usually larger group. In business sense large companies with good products usually appoint affiliates to sell the product. An affiliate is more than a sales man. He conducts and designs his own marketing programs and his remuneration is based on the sales he or she generates.

When we talk about affiliate marketing we have thousands of products online. This created a great opportunity for aspiring affiliates to make money. If you find a product that you think can be sold you have to apply to the company which manufactures the product to be appointed as an affiliate. In internet lot of products especially eBooks are being sold like this.

What a data entry job has to do with it. There are data entry companies which invite people to join their organization and work as data entry operators. Data entry operators are taught here to write ad copies. When they generate sales they are paid a part of the commission the companies earn. People join these companies hoping to get a job equivalent to the typist job where you are not required to use your brain. They also believe they can make all the money that is promised and they pay the initial fees without thinking or knowing about the nature of the job. Suddenly after joining the start to struggle and that is why a lot of scam reports are coming in the internet.

There are companies like commission junction or click bank which has a large pool of products. You can join these companies as an affiliate and start selling the product under your referral link through your websites if you have one or through ADWORDS or search marketing. You can also sell the product through classifieds, forums and blogs. To sell through adwords a advertising service from Google You have to fill an ad copy. Ad copy is a document in four lines. In the first line you enter a data or information which can be considered as a head line. A headline should be an attractive headline or catchy. A headline should attract people to read and click. Next two lines are for details of the product and the last line is for the url of the product. This is what called an ad copy. You must do your own research and learn to write an ad copy better.

A product can even be sold through a website. You can learn how to create a website and increase traffic to the website by visiting Adsense section of our website. You can also promote your product through free classifieds and forums. You can also join discussion on others blogs and promote your product.

We have seen how to make money from work at home data entry jobs which can be used in a better way free of cost. When we talk about data entry offers we have to agree that there are opportunities like typist available but it doesn't provide good income.

Best paid affiliate programs.
There are many genuine affiliate programs available online. We can find tons of affiliate programs online. The problem with these programs are that they do not care for us, Affiliates. We have listed some genuine programs that over the years gained reputation by allowing people make money.

1. Commission Junction
Commission junction is one program that affiliates all over the world acknowledge as the best paid affiliate program online. It is one of the best work from home opportunity too. Millions of affiliates all over the world havebenefited from commission junction. It allows a market place for advertisers toplace their products for sales and publishers to join and sell the products asaffiliates. Commission junction is every affiliate’s dream

Click bank is another opportunity every affiliates dream to make money with. It pays up to 75 percent of the total proceeds from sales as commission.You can join and promote any product you like that is listed in click bank. You are not required to follow the procedures like applying and getting accepted as a affiliate. Learn to make money with click bank. This is one work from home opportunity you can proceed with.
EBooks present a great work from home affiliate programs. If you want to excel in affiliate marketing you have to learn to create and market eBooks.There are many eBooks that allow affiliates to join and market their eBooks.Learn to make money with eBooks.

Affiliate marketing tools
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. There are many tools available online to promote affiliate programs. We have selected some important tools that you may require to promote your affiliate programs. These tools will help you perform better.

1.Google adwords
Google adwords is one of the best tools every affiliate use to make money along with yahoo search marketing. You have to learn it better if you are planning to make money with affiliate marketing and work from home opportunities. This is the main tool for any data entry job. People want to make money with a data entry opportunity must learn this too.

2. Make money with paypal
Pay pal is one tool every affiliate must learn to use and join. It in oneof the important tool in making money with affiliate marketing. Almost all workfrom home opportunity seekers get paid using pay pal. Learn how to make money using paypal.

3.Creating websites or using blogs as a marketing tools.

You can promote your affiliate programs using your websites and blogs. Learn how to make more money with websites and blogs.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Paid surveys

Paid surveys is an exciting opportunity to make money free online. Paid surveys is the one of the trusted, Genuine and easy ways to make money. Awareness of opportunity to make money free online brings even teens and kids here to make money. How we make money here? very simple, we get paid to take surveys online. We join as members of the survey providers and take surveys online. For answering surveys online we get paid.

Your opinion means a lot to companies out there. They would like to see your preferences before they manufacture their goods and services. Offline surveys conducted by marketing survey companies are a time consuming and expensive effort. So now companies prefer online surveys. They are ready to the concept of paid online surveys so that more and more people join and express their opinion.

It works on a simple format. You find time to express your opinions and get paid to take surveys online. The opportunity comes free. It is absolutely free. You have to pay nothing to join these survey providers. There are companies who ask you to pay upfront to join their database. Dont worry makemoneyideas will never ask a fee from you. Our services comes free of cost.

How to join Paid surveys.
Before you join these online surveys you have to open an email Id for this purpose. You have to validate your email once you join as a member. People usually join but forget to validate their emails. You have to answer the surveys immediately. You can join the survey providers as a member for free.
How to make more money.
Online paid surveys are an easy way to make money. You can only make a limited income from these opportunity. There are many more opportunities to make money. But with paid surveys if you want to make more money, you will be provided a referral link once you join these companies. You have bring in more and more referrals to make more money.

Makemoneyideas brings to you the largest free data base of paid surveys online. Join all of these survey providers and find time to answer surveys too. Bring in more and more referrals to make more money.

Make money ideas has the largest free paid surveys database for U. Visit all the sites listed here and find times to register yourself.

1. Planet pulse
Paid surveys is an exciting opportunity to make money free online. Paid surveys is the one of the trusted, Genuine and easy ways to make money.

wareness of opportunity to make money free online brings even teens and kids here to make money. How we make money here? very simple, we get paid to take surveys online. We join as members of the survey providers and take surveys online. For answering surveys online we get paid.

2. Pure profile

pureprofile is an online media and research service that launched in Australia in 2000 and also has an office in London. Pure profile request you to create a complete profile of yourself. Based on that profile you would receive surveys and offers. It is open to all international panelists.

pidermetrix is another survey provider from Australia operating world wide. They are more than just survey providers. They allow us to gain some fun in their website. I must agree It is fun whenever we visit their website. They send frequent surveys to international panelists.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Paid to Read E-mails

Paid to read emails presents an unique and easy option to make money. It is easy because you are not required to do anything tough here. After you register with the companies all you have to do is constantly moniter your mailbox for emails from the companies and read the emails. You get paid to read these emails. This is one of the easiest ways to make money for teens and kids too.

What is Paid To Read E-Mails?

Paid to read emails are mails sent to the registered members about the promotion of a product or services. To read these mails you are paid in cash and points. All you have to do is join the service providers and provide them a valid email address for communication. All these promotional mails will have a link provided and once you click on the links you will be taken to the websites which offer the products and services. You have to remember all these services comes free of cost and no obligation to purchase. There are certain service providers who gives you an option of upgrading your membership from free to premium for a minimum payment.
All You have to do is sign up a service with an E-mail Id and receive E-mails Daily. Read those emails having money links. Click on and you will get paid. Some of the service have referral programs.

The mainly used services are given below, click on the banners and sign up for each and start making money today.


DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ways for teens to make money

Teens are becoming more and more enterprising. They are exploring more and more ways to make money. Even kids are exploring ways for them to make money. You can understand from the ways the internet searches are conducted and from Yahoo answers that teens and kids are more and more interested in finding newer and newer avenues of making money. There are various ways for teens to make money.They include modern and traditional.

Internet is becoming a place to earn some money even for kids. They are also searching their way in how kids can make money. The trend shows they want to live on their own legs and finance their studies themselves.

The interest of both teens and kids to make money is already showing its result on internet. There are simply too many sites offering nothing. The weaker section of the society is thus taken for a ride. There are scams all around us. To avoid these scams we advice our younger readers not to spend a penny to make money on internet. You can produce great results without spending anything.

There are traditional and modern methods to make money available for kids and teens. Traditional methods are those methods or ideas that are used for years by teens and kids to raise money. Modern methods includes online opportunities. Some of the great money making opertunities are listed below

1. Paid to Read E-mails

2. Paid to Click

3. Paid surveys

4. Affiliate Marketing

5.Get paid to share Your links

Freelance works, Freelance jobs

What is freelance works? A freelance is a person who is willing to offer his services for a price. If you are looking for a genuine opportunity to make money working from home this is the opportunity. Modern day business demands you to be shrewd and cunning. You don’t want fall in to traps. Instead of employing people for salary companies, nowadays are looking to outsource the jobs for a price. There are jobs and opportunities available for all. Let us learn this opportunity in details here.

There is a strong reason for modern companies who seeking freelance workers. In the olden ages we had knights offering services for the King his war skills or knight services for a price.In the modern world also we call them Mercenaries. In the opportunity we are talking about it makes a perfect business sense for companies and the job seekers to go for freelancing. Though there is a contract for this kind of job it is based on a particular job and is nothing like the permanent job contract.For job seekers it makes a perfect sense with this opportunity. It makes sense for them to bid and offer their service to the person or company that pays him more.

Freelance offers a lot of opportunities. More and more companies are offering this kind of job to willing job seekers. There are many opportunities now available starting from Web designing, content writing for websites, press release writing, Article writing, Software jobs, data entry jobs, etc. You have advertisements for every kind of jobs at the websites designed for them. People who does these kind of jobs for a price are happy with it and are earning more than the amount the irregular counter parts are earning doing regular jobs. This benefit is because you can make bids now.

There are many websites offering this service and prominent among them are http://www.guru.com, http://elance.com,http://odesk.cometc. There are many articles written here about Freelance works and opportunities including freelance writing jobs etc. Please refer all of them before you visit these websites as thousand of people visit these websites everyday and fail to make any impression. Learn about freelance jobs and make use of them.

How to write freelance articles?

Writing freelance articles is a matter of pride. You are your master here. You have to select a topic, find a person who is willing to offer you the contract,research the topic to make it resourceful and getting it published. Freelance writing is a busy job. But it gives enough satisfaction and reward for every published content. It is one profession which is suitable for those who love to work from home. All that you require is a computer and an internet connection.It makes a perfect sense to work from home.

There is a checklist for those who love to work as a freelance writer. The proliferation of internet has made great demand for contents. More and more people are publishing ads on internet for freelance writers who can write contents for them. There are courses for people who are not trained to write. There are various opportunities for people who looking to make money via freelance writing. They are Web content writing, medical writing,Blogging, resume writing, ad copy writing and business plan writing.

Proliferation of internet makes it easy to find people interested in your work.You can find various offers on internet. A good idea shall be to publish your service first at the sites which are designed for the sole purpose of freelance services like http://elance.com or http://guru.com. If you are confident you can find websites or magazines that are interested in providing you the opportunity.

Learning the basics of the freelance writing by joining a course is one thing you can really think about. It will help you to learn how to write, what to write and what not to write. You can also learn the basics of writing. Freelance writing is an art which needs dedicated people. You cannot expect too much of the compensation at first. Expecting to receive a pay per words is something which is not going to happen for you. You may be surprised at the level of competition here. Your pay will increase according to your progress and improvement in the field.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the winner.If you are looking for a genuine and legitimate option to make money online ,your waiting ends here. Google adsense is the most genuine and successful idea ever to hit online. People have different opinion about adsense. Some say it is difficult to make money with it while others consider it as a god send option to make money.

With lot of years behind me I would support Google adsense as a genuine option. But it requires some effort from your side. If you have a website with reasonable traffic it is very easy to make money. If you are looking to make money by creating made for adsense websites it takes some time. First you must create a website. You are also required to promote this website and create a reasonable traffic. Once you have both you can apply to adsense.
The greatest advantage of adsense is you have a permanent income opportunity here. If you do the basics correctly, you can relax and make money without much efforts later. Remember create websites that are useful to public. In this section of makemoneyideas you will learn

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted, unobtrusive Google ads on their websites. AdSense also allows you to provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

You'll earn when users visit your website and click on or view the ads on your pages, depending on the type of ad. Learn more about earning with AdSense.

AdSense is free, so we encourage you to give it a try. If you have a website, and you comply with our program policies and eligibility criteria, just complete our online application.

We'll review your application and follow up with an email within about a week, depending on the volume of applications we receive. If you are accepted into the program, you can sign in to your new account and get the HTML code that will display ads on your webpages.

How do I sign up?

To get started with AdSense, follow the steps below:

  1. If you don't have a website, you can create one using Blogger.
  2. Learn more about your site's compliance with our program policies and our tips for application success.
  3. Complete an application.
  4. When you receive an email from us, submit your application for review by clicking on the link to verify your email address. If you don't receive the email verification message, click here.
  5. Wait to receive an email from us about your application status.

How much will I earn through this program?

The Google ads you are able to display on your content pages can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) ads, while AdSense for search results pages show exclusively CPC ads. This means that advertisers pay either when users click on ads, or when the advertiser's ad is shown on your site. You'll receive a portion of the amount paid for either activity on your website. Although we don't disclose the exact revenue share, our goal is to enable publishers to make as much or more than they could with other advertising networks.

The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your webpages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy. You can sign up now from the AdSense home page at https://www.google.com/adsense .

Once you're a part of Google AdSense, you can view your earnings at any time by logging in to your account at https://www.google.com/adsense and clicking the Reports tab. You'll be able to see the total number of page and ad unit impressions, ad clicks, clickthrough rate, effective CPM, and your total earnings so you can get an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.

You can also find more information about our payment schedule in our Payments Guide.

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