Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Get paid to share Your links

One of the newest websites I have been trying out recently is one called Linkbucks . It is a website that will turn all of the links on your website or blog into paying links. Then for every person who clicks on one of these new links, you will be given 1 hit towards that site. The amount of money you will receive for that click will depend upon the type of link you submit and also the country the clicker is from. Click Here to Join

Linkbucks makes money by putting adverts onto the screen of the person who clicks your link. There are 3 different types of adverts that may appear. The first is an intermission advert. Here the clicker will click your Linkbucks link, then get directed to a page of adverts which will stay on screen for 15 seconds, and then you will be directed to the page you intended to go to. There is however an option to skip this intermission page which if you do so the hold up is only really a couple of seconds.

The second type of advert is a pop-up. When clicking on the Linkbucks link you will be taken straight to the page you intended to get to, but a pop-up advert will appear on screen. This sounds like a very annoying thing to experience with everything you click on, but in fact most pop-up blockers and even Google toolbar will filter through most of them, so they are actually not even noticed most of the time.

The final method of advertisement used is through a top of the page banner. When the Linkbucks link is clicked the clicker will be taken straight to the page they wanted to end up at, but this time there will be a small banner across the top of the page. This banner does not conflict with your use of the intended website however; it just makes the size of your viewing screen slightly smaller. Examples of the 3 different types of links can be seen below;

Top Banner

The money you receive per click firstly depends on what type of advert you select, and secondly on where the person who clicks it is from. The best paying of the 3 adverts is the intermission. You will be paid $1 per 2000 clicks on your link. The pop-up you will be paid $1 per 2500 clicks, and the top banner you will be paid $1 per 4500 clicks. Needless to say the top of the page banner is almost useless, and I have never seen any reason why pop-ups won’t suffice for that situation. However the intermission page is long and quite annoying, so depending on what links you are using should depend on what type of advert you put in. If the person is leaving your website, and not likely to be coming back right then, the intermission is fine. But if they are view a picture album for instance, then every time they click on a picture they have to wait 15 seconds to view it. It is in a situation like this when the pop-ups work much better, as they are more discrete. Although it takes more clicks to get your dollar, essentially people have more patience with them, and so will be more willing to click on more of your links.

Advertisers pay different amounts for the people who receive there adverts. For example an American based company will not pay very much if thousands of people from Korea are viewing their adverts. This is where the performance score comes in. Linkbucks operates a performance score which tells you what percentage of the people clicking your links come from the top paying countries, America, Canada and the United Kingdom. If for example you had a performance score of 100% it would mean all your traffic is coming from America and you would receive $1 per 2000 clicks of an intermission advert. If however your performance score was only 50% you would be receiving a lot of traffic from china for instance, so your pay rate would reflect this, and you would only get $1 per 4000 clicks.

It seems like you need to get a lot of clicks for very little money, but what you have to remember is once that link is up there on the internet there is nothing more you need to do to it. So long as you have an active webpage or blog that receives a lot of traffic, people will keep clicking on the links. One of my links I had received over 6000 clicks in the first 3 days I had it up. This equated to almost $1.50 and was just one of many links I had up. There is no limit to the number of links that you can have and so your earning potential is unlimited. Through reading the Linkbucks forums you can see that there are people making in excess of $25 a day using Linkbucks without even lifting a finger.

As you can see from the picture below, the earning potential with Linkbucks increases every day. Admittedly I am new to using this website and so my earnings are only at approximately $2 a day. But this is $2 that I am getting everyday for little or no work each day and it is steadily increasing as you can see.


Linkbucks offers payments twice a month to cash out your money at the end and middle of each month, and payment is removed by either Paypal, ePassporte or Moneybookers. I have not had any problem receiving payment although I have only had one so far. Every now and again to entice you to work a little harder Linkbucks offers double payout weekends, which are just as they sound, whatever you earn that day they will double it which is a nice little incentive to do better.

There is a great referral program within Linkbucks too, which operates on a 3 tier programs. Any referrals you get yourself directly you will get 10% of their earnings. This is not to say they will lose 10% of their earnings, just Linkbucks will pay out that 10% twice to both of you. Then you earn 5% of any referrals the person you referred gets, and still you get 1% on any 3rd tier referrals. A very generous offer to still receive money from people you never even referred to begin with.
There is a very active forum attached to the Linkbucks website which can give you plenty of hints and tips on how to earn a bit of extra money through Linkbucks . This forum is full of very friendly people who are always happy to answer any questions you have. Click Here To join

Linkbucks is still on in its beta stage, so there are constantly things being improved upon, but from my experiences using it over the past 2 weeks I have no complaints. You can take already existing links and put them through Linkbucks , and so long as you find somewhere to put that link where it will be clicked a lot, be it your own website, a blog or a forum, there is a potentially unlimited source of income available for very little effort. Once the links are set up and out there the money should start rolling in.

Click the banner below to join the program


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